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News » Cylinders for exchange with discount of up to 15% (35EUR) till 15.02.2012
Cylinders for exchange with discount of up to 15% (35EUR) till 15.02.2012
Prices and the list of exchange cylinders can be seen here CYLINDERS

1. What are Woow Motors' exchange cylinders!?

Those are available repaired and ready for use cylinders of cross
at Woow Motors workshop.

2. Why do we have them!?

When the motorcycle is under repair or maintenance and it is found out
that the cylinder is wear out or damaged, the most unpleasant
moment is when you realize, that the delivery of part "CYLINDER"
is the most time-consuming process. The repair of your cylinder will take
~ 1 month or additional expenses and time up to ~2 weeks for sending a new cylinder!
Woow Motors' cylinders are to save your time! You would not have
to wait or would not have to spend more, having a better,
more convenient and faster solution.

3. How to get them!?

When you or your expert get in a situation that the cylinder should be changed:
- Make sure that your needed cylinder is included in the list of
Woow Motors exchange cylinders with more than 30 models available at present!
- If you have found it, use the contact information and contact us
to settle the way of delivery. You can visit us or arrange the exchange via courier.
- If the model you are looking for is not available at present, we
offer repairing of your cylinder or we jointly can evaluate the
best ways of more favorable and faster solution for the delivery
of your cylinder.

4. What is a repaired cylinder!?

It is a cylinder with a changed Nickel-Silicon-Carbide ( Nikasil
/ Nicosil / NiCaSil / NiSC ) plating. The main features of its repair:
- A chemical wash of the cylinder (also from outside, in order the
cylinder you get back would be in not only technically perfect
condition, but also visually "dressed up").
- The removal of old plating to pure aluminum.
- The test of the aluminum surface and/or repair in order it should
be perfectly cylindrical, that is necessary to cover the new
NiSC cover precise throughout the working surface area of the cylinder.
- A new NiSC re-plate is covered and it will ensure the higher
wear resistance, excellent heat output for the cooling system, oil
resistance on cylinder wall in order to minimize friction and
increase a compression, when oil works as a "gasket" between
rings and cylinder.
- A mechanical treatment of a new NiSC cover – Honing.
During this process the cylinder is treated till the necessary diameter size
and the cross-hatch, that additionally helps to keep oil on the
wall of cylinder.
- The treatment of cylinder edges, ports (2t engines). These places
must be treated especially carefully, the piston and rings have
no risk to catch at them.
- The test of cylinder's quality - it is made for each cylinder individually,
to be ascertain of the perfect treatment of all previous processes.

5. How much do they cost!?

Woow Motors exchange cylinders: (special prices due to 15.02.2012 see here CYLINDERS)
- 235EUR with VAT – Your cylinder has no damages in aluminum under the NiSC
- 278EUR with VAT – Your cylinder has damages in aluminum under the NiSC
plating, but those are not cracks, breaches, deep and wide scratches.
- ≥ 313EUR with VAT – Your cylinder is with a crack, notches and
other deep defects. In such case we offer you buying Woow Motors's
exchange cylinder not changing it with yours.

Repair of your cylinder: in this case you have to reckon with
the time of cylinder's treatment up to ~30 days!

- 235EUR with VAT – Your cylinder has no damages in aluminum under the
NiSC plating.
- 278EURLs with VAT – Your cylinder has damages in aluminum under NiSC
plating, but those are not cracks, breaches, deep and wide scratches.
- ~285EUR with VAT – Your cylinder has many serious damages in aluminum
under NiSC plating.

6. Where does Woow Motors realize the repair of cylinders!?

The forth year we are already cooperating with English company Motrac Racing,
which more that 20 years is working with the service of motorcycles' engines
including a full-service NiSC cylinders plating change.

Woow Motors contact information to order cylinders and get answers to your questions regarding them:

Karla Ulmana gatve 2a,
Riga, LV-1004
mob. +371 22158133 (Māris)

2008 WOOW Motors K.Ulmaņa gatve 2a, Rīga, LV-1004 Tālrunis: 67601107 | Dizains: Indrā | Izstrāde: Miljons IT | Fotogrāfijas: Buckley P